Orgasmic Reawakening Podcast Episode # 3 What Is YOUR Divine Initiation? Your Purpose In Life Explained – The Awakened Aphrodite

Your purpose in life and your soul’s true purpose are one in the same. So often I see that people are deeply disconnected to this truth, it is almost as if they have separated these things in their mind.

It is almost as if their soul is this separate entity that is living out this unspoken destiny that is known inside but unexpressed in life. How unfortunate this is when people die with their purpose still inside of them, their connection, their power their seduction of life untouched.

Your purpose motivation needs to be the spark within your soul that you BRAVELY tie into who you know you are. It is not easy to do and yet the most worth-while task you can possibly undertake my loves.

So much love to you,

The Awakened Aphrodite xx

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