The Leo Woman

Love, Dating, Traits

(July 22 – August 22)

The den has been so cold without you, my love. You and I always had our secret place to stay warm in, and talk and laugh and rejoice. A love that could only be created by a Leo woman and her warm soul.

Are you in love with, dating or have a crush on a Leo woman? In her highest form, the Leo woman will make you feel love in a way that you’ve never felt before. In her lower form, it will be her who will be getting the love, while you get thrown leftovers and made to hold her golden chalice.

Ugh, I can just feel the claws coming out now. The worst thing you could ever say to a Leo woman is, well anything. This kitty likes to stay on top of her Queendom, and if she gets the slightest scent of a mutiny, she will slice and dice you in your sleep – actually she’ll probably hire someone else to do it. Yes, this is one of her secrets. What secrets? The secret that on each one of those claws, there are strings, to which she conducts a very divine orchestra.

Hey, HEY NOW! Listen for a second, before you slash me again – indulge me. People LOVE a good leader, so although this sounds like a bad thing, it really isn’t. Don’t we need more strong loyalty among us? You must, of course, first know where this woman is truly leading you before you embark on this journey of souls. Does this Leo Woman have the traits of a true leader, or is she a bit of a diva? That is how you know which kitty you are playing with.

It must be known that Leo women are some of my favourites. They are hands down, the best cuddlers ever and, when you’re having a melt down – I can’t think of anyone better to share that moment with. She will bring the champagne and you’ll wake up in the morning with new found value, and a new job to boot. God, I love this woman and her divine loyalty.

My beautiful Leo woman, I love you more than a fat kid loves cake. You make me feel like there really is a bright light at the end of a storm, and that there really is love and loyalty in this world.

Always and forever, my fearless lionesses,
