Are you wanting to save a relationship with a Virgo Man or Woman? Although this is a tough feat for anyone, you have definitely come to the right place.

I knew this was going to happen

Yes, your Virgo lover probably saw this one coming, the moment that they met you. This has to be one of the most difficult relationships to save, because yes, a Virgo man or woman might take a long time to make certain decisions, but once they do, they don’t turn back.

They key here, is saving it before it gets to that point. If it has already gotten to that point, then your only hope is going to be in really getting your life together – I guarantee that your Virgo lover told you what they didn’t like, because they are not shy to let people know these things.

You do have hope, however, if they genuinely love you. You see, Virgo’s will do anything for the people that they love (it is one of the most endearing things about them).

Don’t ever let their ice cold exterior fool you – you need to ask them how they feel, and get them out of their head, and bring them back into their body.

Ask them how they felt about you when you first met, because this will reflect their true feelings about the situation.

Once they tell you, simply ask them what you can do together to get back to that feeling.

You’re probably reading this thinking “really? That’s what I’m supposed to do?” And yes, no trickery here folks, not with a Virgo. If you ask them the RIGHT questions, they will lead you directly to the answers, trust me. A Virgo always tell you, you just might not be truly listening.

Sending you love, always,


Virgo Man or Woman:

  • Loves being with someone who is deeply in touch with their own intuition
  • Needs to be with someone that brings out their sensual nature
  • Loves being appreciated for their hard work (they are typically very hard working)
  • Adores being with individuals who constantly bring them back to their body (they are usually in their heads a lot)
  • Are more intuitive than they will generally ever admit to being