Orgasmic Reawakening Podcast Episode # 1 What Is Powerful Dominance & How Do You Get It?

Orgasmic Reawakening Podcast Episode # 1 What Is Powerful Dominance & How Do You Get It?

In this Episode I will be talking about how to become powerfully Dominant. In my experience as a sex coach, one of the biggest issues that I have seen people struggle with is accessing their dominance.

I have equally found people show up and present themselves as this “Dominant” persona when actually they are not – they are filled with pain, resentment and fear and they parade around calling themselves a Dominant person, or even a “Lone Wolf”.

You see this a lot in the idea of Toxic Masculinity for example, that dominance is created from a place of fear, threat or sheer terror, maybe even brute physical strength. Not only is this idea deeply disempowering, it simply is not true.

If you want to hear the truth about how to become deeply and powerfully Dominant, please listen or watch to the first episode of the Orgasmic Reawakening Podcast. Enjoy my loves xx

The Awakened Aphrodite